Le secret des Flamands 1974


During the Dutch Golden Age, we follow the journey, schemes, and adventures of Antonello, a young Napolitan painter, from Italy to Holland, in search of the manufacturing secrets of the Flemish oil painting.

Tutti i titoli
  • FR: Le secret des Flamands Le secret des Flamands
  • FR: Le secret des Flamands Le secret des Flamands
  • HU: A flamandok titka A flamandok titka
  • IT: Il segreto dei fiamminghi Il segreto dei fiamminghi
  • PT: O Segredo dos Flamengos O Segredo dos Flamengos
  • DE: Das Geheimnis des Kupferbechers Das Geheimnis des Kupferbechers
Data di rilascio 03 Jan 1974
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