Tanrilarin Derin Arzulari 1968


An engineer from Tokyo arrives on a drought-ridden tropical island to drill a well to power a nearby sugar mill. He meets the inbred Futori family, hated by the locals for breaking religious customs.

Tutti i titoli
  • JP: Kamigami no fukaki yokubô Kamigami no fukaki yokubô
  • BR: O Profundo Desejo dos Deuses O Profundo Desejo dos Deuses
  • FR: Profonds désirs des dieux Profonds désirs des dieux
  • FR: Le profond désir des dieux Le profond désir des dieux
  • IT: Il profondo desiderio degli dei Il profondo desiderio degli dei
  • PL: Glebokie pozadanie bogów Glebokie pozadanie bogów
  • PT: O Profundo Desejo dos Deuses O Profundo Desejo dos Deuses
  • JP: Сокровенные желания богов Сокровенные желания богов
  • ES: Profundo deseo de los dioses Profundo deseo de los dioses
  • JP: Profound Desires of the Gods Profound Desires of the Gods
  • : Deep Desire of Gods Deep Desire of Gods
  • : Kuragejima - Legends from a Southern Island Kuragejima - Legends from a Southern Island
Data di rilascio 22 Jul 1970
Link IMDb
