Troy: Naked Boys Behind Bars, Sing! 2011

Animation Short Comedy

Based on the popular, long running, gay comic strip 'Troy,' 'Troy: Naked Boy Behind Bars, Sing!' is a silly, sweet, slightly sarcastic, animated satire of cheesy, gaysploitation entertainment. Twenty-something, out and proud, gay ...

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Troy: Naked Boys Behind Bars, Sing! Troy: Naked Boys Behind Bars, Sing!
  • BR: Troy: Rapazes Nus Cantam Atrás das Grades Troy: Rapazes Nus Cantam Atrás das Grades
  • DE: Troy: Naked Boys Behind Bars, Sing! Troy: Naked Boys Behind Bars, Sing!
  • US: Troy: Naked Boys Behind Bars, Sing! Troy: Naked Boys Behind Bars, Sing!
Data di rilascio 21 Dec 2011
Link IMDb
